Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bekah and I then the Tram trip!

I'm on the right in both then rebekah is on the left


Sara's blog said...

wow you do have huge bangs. i find it funny that you have two TODDLER pics and you go straight to when you were in the snow man i guess kids do really grow up fast :)
love your beehive buddy


Sara's blog said...

oh sorry i forgot to tell you that it is sooooooooooooo gross that you drank that water but that is just me
love your beehive buddy

Sara's blog said...
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Sara's blog said...

sorry that was an accident it said that i was pretty dang unique you know how you said that on my blog????????
love your beehive buddy

erin said...

so i read(not heard) rachel that you were using part of our conversation on sara's blog I AM OFFENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!not really

Hayley M.J.